Thesaurus Samellius... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia SAMELLIUS. sa-mel'-i-us (Codex Vaticanus Samellios; Codex Alexandrinus Sebellios, al Semellios; the .../s/samellius.htm - 6kSemellius ... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia SEMELLIUS. se-mel'-i-us: the King James Version = the Revised Version (British and American) SAMELLIUS (which see). ... /s/semellius.htm - 6k Samekh (1 Occurrence)
/s/samekh.htm - 6k Shimshai (4 Occurrences) ... Alexandrinus Samsai; Lucian, Samaias, throughout; in 1 Esdras 2:17 he is called "Semellius," the Revised Version (British and American) "Samellius"; a number ... /s/shimshai.htm - 9k Sameus
/s/sameus.htm - 6k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia SAMELLIUSsa-mel'-i-us (Codex Vaticanus Samellios; Codex Alexandrinus Sebellios, al Semellios; the King James Version Semellius): "Samellius the scribe," one of those who wrote a letter of protest to Artaxerxes against the building of Jerusalem by the returned exiles (1 Esdras 2:16, 17, 25, 30) = "Shimshai" in Ezra 4:8. |