Bible Concordance Splashed (1 Occurrence)Leviticus 6:27 Everything that toucheth the flesh thereof shall be holy; and if there be splashed of the blood thereof on a garment that whereon it is sprinkled shalt thou wash in a holy place. (DBY NAS) Thesaurus Splashed (1 Occurrence)... Noah Webster's Dictionary (imp. & pp) of Splash. Multi-Version Concordance Splashed (1 Occurrence). Leviticus 6:27 Everything that .../s/splashed.htm - 6kSpittle (3 Occurrences)
/s/spittle.htm - 9k Toucheth (45 Occurrences) ... Leviticus 6:27 Everything that toucheth the flesh thereof shall be holy; and if there be splashed of the blood thereof on a garment that whereon it is ... /t/toucheth.htm - 20k Splashes (1 Occurrence)
/s/splashes.htm - 6k Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary ( imp. & p. p.) of Splash. Strong's Hebrew 5137a. nazah -- to spurt, spatter, sprinkle... Word Origin a prim. root Definition to spurt, spatter, sprinkle NASB Word Usage splashed (1), splashes (1), sprinkle (16), sprinkled (4), sprinkles (1). ... /hebrew/5137a.htm - 5k |