Bible Concordance Stuttering (1 Occurrence)Mark 7:32 and they bring to him a deaf, stuttering man, and they call on him that he may put the hand on him. (YLT) Thesaurus Stuttering (1 Occurrence)...Stuttering (1 Occurrence). Mark 7:32 and they bring to him a deaf, stuttering man, and they call on him that he may put the hand on him. (YLT). .../s/stuttering.htm - 7kStyle (5 Occurrences)
/s/style.htm - 9k Sturdy (3 Occurrences)
/s/sturdy.htm - 8k Stammering (3 Occurrences) ... 1. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Stammer. 2. (a.) Apt to stammer; hesitating in speech; stuttering. 3. (n.) A disturbance in the formation of sounds. ... /s/stammering.htm - 7k Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. ( p. pr. & vb. n.) of Stutter. 2. (n.) The act of one who stutters; -- restricted by some physiologists to defective speech due to inability to form the proper sounds, the breathing being normal, as distinguished from stammering. 3. (a.) Apt to stutter; hesitating; stammering. Strong's Hebrew 5926. illeg -- speaking inarticulately... stammerers (1). stammerer. From an unused root meaning to stutter; stuttering -- stammerer. << 5925, 5926. illeg. 5927 >>. Strong's Numbers. /hebrew/5926.htm - 5k |