Bible Concordance Suffocation (1 Occurrence)Job 7:15 so that my soul chooses strangling, death rather than my bones. (See NAS) Thesaurus Suffocation (1 Occurrence)... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. SUFFOCATION. suf-o-ka'-shun. See PUNISHMENTS. Multi-Version Concordance Suffocation (1 Occurrence). .../s/suffocation.htm - 7kSufficiently (3 Occurrences)
/s/sufficiently.htm - 7k Suggest (1 Occurrence)
/s/suggest.htm - 7k Punishments (31 Occurrences) ... 2 Samuel 12:31 Hebrews 11:37); (4) torturing (1 Chronicles 20:3 Hebrews 11:35); (5) precipitation (2 Chronicles 25:12 Luke 4:29); (6) suffocation (2 Maccabees ... /p/punishments.htm - 36k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia SUFFOCATIONsuf-o-ka'-shun.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary ( n.) The act of suffocating, or the state of being suffocated; death caused by smothering or choking. Strong's Hebrew 4267. machanaq -- strangling, suffocation... << 4266, 4267. machanaq. 4268 >>. strangling, suffocation. Transliteration: machanaq Phonetic Spelling: (makh-an-ak') Short Definition: suffocation. ... /hebrew/4267.htm - 6k |