2284. chagab
Lexical Summary
chagab: locust, grasshopper
Original Word: חָגָב
Transliteration: chagab
Phonetic Spelling: (khaw-gawb')
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Short Definition: locust, grasshopper
Meaning: locust, grasshopper
Strong's Concordance

Of uncertain derivation; a locust -- locust.


H2284. chagab

I. חָגָבnoun masculineEcclesiastes 12:5 locust, grasshopper (Late Hebrew id.; compare ᵑ7‎), probably a non-flying species, see Kn in DiLeviticus 11:22; הֶחָגָב‎ allowed as food 11:22 (P; "" חַרְגֹּל סָלְעָם, אַרְבֶּה,‎), כַּחֲגָבִיסNumbers 13:33 (J E; simile of insignificance), so Isaiah 40:22; as agent of Yahweh's wrath חארץ לֶאֱכוֺל חָגָב2 Chronicles 7:13; הֶחָגָב וְיִסְתַּבֵּלEcclesiastes 12:5 and the grasshopper shall be a burden; better shall drag itself along, De Hi Now RVm; De thinks ׳ח‎ here figurative of the back part of the pelvic cavity (Arabic is point of hip-bone, Bo, compare Lane), and refers to stiffness of aged joints, so Now; but the meaning is dubious; see other views of Comm.


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