Bible Concordance Tombstone (1 Occurrence)2 Kings 23:17 Then he said, What tombstone is that which I see? And the men of the city told him, It is the sepulchre of the man of God who came from Judah and proclaimed these things which thou hast done against the altar of Bethel. (DBY NIV) Thesaurus Tombstone (1 Occurrence)... deceased. Multi-Version Concordance Tombstone (1 Occurrence). 2 Kings 23:17 Then he said, What tombstone is that which I see? And .../t/tombstone.htm - 6kTombs (27 Occurrences)
/t/tombs.htm - 16k Tomorrow (57 Occurrences)
/t/tomorrow.htm - 26k Dyeing ... A Jewish guild of purple dyers is mentioned on a tombstone in Hieropolis. In the 12th century AD Jews were still dyers and glass workers at Tyre. ... /d/dyeing.htm - 14k Dye (1 Occurrence) ... A Jewish guild of purple dyers is mentioned on a tombstone in Hieropolis. In the 12th century AD Jews were still dyers and glass workers at Tyre. ... /d/dye.htm - 15k Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary ( n.) A stone erected over a grave, to preserve the memory of the deceased. |