Prophecies Of Hosea
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Seed of Abraham
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Seed of Abraham: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Seed of David
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Seed of David: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Seed of Isaac
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Seed of Isaac: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Seed of the Woman
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Seed of the Woman: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Son of God
Prophecies Respecting Christ: As the Son of God: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: Gall and Vinegar Being Given Him to Drink
Prophecies Respecting Christ: Gall and Vinegar Being Given Him to Drink: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: Great Persons Coming to Adore Him
Prophecies Respecting Christ: Great Persons Coming to Adore Him: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Ascension
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Ascension: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Bearing Reproach
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Bearing Reproach: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being a Priest After the Order of Melchizedek
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being a Priest After the Order of Melchizedek: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being a Prophet Like to Moses
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being a Prophet Like to Moses: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being a Stone of Stumbling to the Jews
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being a Stone of Stumbling to the Jews: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Anointed With the Spirit
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Anointed With the Spirit: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Betrayed by a Friend
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Betrayed by a Friend: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Born a Virgin
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Born a Virgin: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Born in Bethlehem of Judea
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Born in Bethlehem of Judea: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Buried With the Rich
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Buried With the Rich: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Called Immanuel
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Called Immanuel: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Called out of Egypt
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Called out of Egypt: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Forsaken by God
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Forsaken by God: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Hated by the Jews
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Hated by the Jews: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being King in Zion
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being King in Zion: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Mocked
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Mocked: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Numbered With the Transgressors
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Numbered With the Transgressors: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Pierced
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Pierced: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Preceded by John the Baptist
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Preceded by John the Baptist: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Rejected by his Brethren
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Rejected by his Brethren: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Rejected by the Jewish Rulers
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Rejected by the Jewish Rulers: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Smitten on the Cheek
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Smitten on the Cheek: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Sold for Thirty Pieces Silver
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Sold for Thirty Pieces Silver: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Spit on and Scourged
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Spit on and Scourged: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being the Chief Corner-Stone of the Church
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being the Chief Corner-Stone of the Church: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Without Guile
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Being Without Guile: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Coming at a Set Time
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Coming at a Set Time: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Coming Into the Temple
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Coming Into the Temple: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Death
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Death: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Disciples Forsaking Him
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Disciples Forsaking Him: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Entering on his Public Ministry
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Entering on his Public Ministry: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Entering Publicly Into Jerusalem
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Entering Publicly Into Jerusalem: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Exercising the Priestly office in Heaven
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Exercising the Priestly office in Heaven: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Flesh not Seeing Corruption
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Flesh not Seeing Corruption: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Garments Being Parted, and Lots Cast for his Vesture
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Garments Being Parted, and Lots Cast for his Vesture: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Hands and Feet Being Nailed to the Cross
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Hands and Feet Being Nailed to the Cross: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Intercession for his Murderers
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Intercession for his Murderers: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Meekness and Want of Ostentatious
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Meekness and Want of Ostentatious: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Ministry Commencing in Galilee
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Ministry Commencing in Galilee: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Patience and Silence Under Suffering
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Patience and Silence Under Suffering: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Poverty
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Poverty: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Preaching by Parables
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Preaching by Parables: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Price Being Given for the Potter's Field
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Price Being Given for the Potter's Field: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Resurrection
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Resurrection: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Righteous Government
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Righteous Government: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Sitting on the Right Hand of God
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Sitting on the Right Hand of God: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Sufferings Being for Others
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Sufferings Being for Others: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Tenderness and Compassion
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Tenderness and Compassion: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Universal Dominion
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Universal Dominion: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Visage Being Marred
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Visage Being Marred: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Working Miracles
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Working Miracles: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Zeal
Prophecies Respecting Christ: His Zeal: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: That a Bone of Him should not be Broken
Prophecies Respecting Christ: That a Bone of Him should not be Broken: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: That the Jews and Gentiles should Combine Against Him
Prophecies Respecting Christ: That the Jews and Gentiles should Combine Against Him: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: The Conversion of the Gentiles to Him
Prophecies Respecting Christ: The Conversion of the Gentiles to Him: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: The Intensity of his Sufferings
Prophecies Respecting Christ: The Intensity of his Sufferings: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: The Perpetuity of his Kingdom
Prophecies Respecting Christ: The Perpetuity of his Kingdom: Fulfilled
Prophecies Respecting Christ: The Slaying of the Children of Bethlehem
Prophecies Respecting Christ: The Slaying of the Children of Bethlehem: Fulfilled