Apostles: A Title Distinguishing the Twelve Disciples
Apostles: Authority of Commission of, Above
Apostles: Commission of
Apostles: Duties of Commission of, Above,
Apostles: Fail to Comprehend the Nature and Mission of Jesus
Apostles: False
Apostles: Forsake Jesus
Apostles: Inspiration of
Apostles: Miraculous Power Given To
Apostles: Moral State of, Before Pentecost
Apostles: Names of
Apostles: Selection of
Apostles: Slow to Receive Jesus, As Messiah
Apostles: Unlearned
The Apostles were Hated by the World
The Apostles were not of the World
The Apostles were Unlearned Men
The Apostles: Called by Christ
The Apostles: Called by God
The Apostles: Called by The Holy Spirit
The Apostles: Christ Always Present With
The Apostles: Christ Pre-Eminently Called "The Apostle"
The Apostles: Empowered to Work Miracles
The Apostles: Equal Authority Given to Each of
The Apostles: Guided by the Spirit Into all Truth
The Apostles: Humility Urged Upon
The Apostles: Instructed by the Spirit to Answer Adversaries
The Apostles: Mutual Love Urged Upon
The Apostles: Ordained by Christ
The Apostles: Persecutions and Sufferings of
The Apostles: Received Their Title from Christ
The Apostles: Saw Christ in the Flesh
The Apostles: Selected from Obscure Stations
The Apostles: Self-Denial Urged Upon
The Apostles: Sent First to the House of Israel
The Apostles: Sent to Preach the Gospel to all Nations
The Apostles: Specially Devoted to the office of the Ministry
The Apostles: The Holy Spirit Given To
The Apostles: Warned Against a Timid Profession of Christ
The Apostles: Witnesses of the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ