Bible Concordance Unfruitfulness (1 Occurrence)2 Kings 2:21 Then he went out to the spring from which the water came, and put salt in it, and said, The Lord says, Now I have made this water sweet; no longer will it be death-giving or unfertile. (See NAS) Thesaurus Unfruitfulness (1 Occurrence)... Multi-Version Concordance Unfruitfulness (1 Occurrence). 2 Kings 2:21 Then he went out to the spring from which the water came, and .../u/unfruitfulness.htm - 6kUnfruitful (8 Occurrences)
/u/unfruitful.htm - 9k Unfulfilled (1 Occurrence)
/u/unfulfilled.htm - 6k Forest (67 Occurrences) ... The forest is an image of unfruitfulness as contrasted with a cultivated field (Isaiah 29:17; 32:15; Jeremiah 26:18; Hosea 2:12). ... /f/forest.htm - 37k Strong's Hebrew 7921. shakol -- to be bereaved... of children (1), cast (1), childless (1), depopulated (1), made...childless (1), miscarried (1), miscarrying (2), slays (1), unfruitful (1), unfruitfulness (1 ... /hebrew/7921.htm - 6k |