International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Upper ChamberUPPER CHAMBER; UPPER ROOM up'-er cham'-ber, (`aliyah (2 Kings 1:2), etc.; anogeon (Mark 14:15 Luke 22:12), huperoon (Acts 1:13; Acts 9:37, 39; 20:8)): In Judges 3:20 the English Revised Version renders "summer parlor" and in the margin "Hebrew: `Upper chamber of cooling.' " This was probably a roof-chamber. The "upper chamber" of Ahaziah in 2 Kings 1:2 was evidently in the 2nd story of the building. On the "upper chambers" of the temple (1 Chronicles 28:11 2 Chronicles 3:9), see TEMPLE. The "large upper room" which was the scene of the Last Supper, with that in Acts 1:13, was also plainly an upper-story chamber. That in Acts 20:8 was in the 3rd story (at Miletus, a Greek city).
See also HOUSE.
James Orr
Strong's Hebrew 5944. aliyyah -- a roof chamber... from alah Definition a roof chamber NASB Word Usage chamber over (1), roof chamber (4), upper chamber (4), upper chambers (2), upper room (4), upper rooms (4). ... /hebrew/5944.htm - 6k |