Thesaurus Zamoth... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia ZAMOTH. za'-moth, za'-moth ( Zamoth): The head of a family, some members of which married. foreign .../z/zamoth.htm - 6kZambri
/z/zambri.htm - 6k Zamzummim (1 Occurrence)
/z/zamzummim.htm - 7k Zathui ... za-thu'-i (Zaththoui, Septuagint Codex Vaticanus Zaton): In 1 Esdras 5:12 = "Zattu" in Ezra 2:8 Nehemiah 10:14. In 1 Esdras 9:28 the same name is "Zamoth.". ... /z/zathui.htm - 6k Zardeus ... zar-de'-us (Codex Alexandrinus Zardaias; Codex Vaticanus Swete and Fritzsche, Zeralias; the King James Version Sardeus): One of the sons of Zamoth who had ... /z/zardeus.htm - 6k Eliadas ... Standard Bible Encyclopedia ELIADAS. e-li'-a-das (Eliadas): A son of Zamoth who had married a strange wife (APC 1Esdras 9:28); called Elioenai in Ezra 10:27. ... /e/eliadas.htm - 6k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ZAMOTHza'-moth, za'-moth (Zamoth): The head of a family, some members of which married. foreign wives (1 Esdras 9:28) = "Zattu" of Ezra 10:27; called "Zathui" in 1 Esdras 5:12 and "Zathoes" (the King James Version "Zathoe") in 1 Esdras 8:32. |