Thesaurus Apame... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia APAME. a-pa'-me, ap'-a-me ( Apame): A concubine of Darius and a daughter of Bartacus the Illustrious .../a/apame.htm - 6kBartacus ... BARTACUS. bar'-ta-kus (Bartakos; Josephus Rhabezdkes; Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 AD) Bezazes (1 Esdras 4:29)): The father of Apame. ... /b/bartacus.htm - 7k Illustrious (1 Occurrence) ... i-lus'-tri-us (thaumastos): A title of rank and merit attached to the name of Bartacus, the father of Apame (1 Esdras 4:29, the King James Version "the ... /i/illustrious.htm - 7k Apace (5 Occurrences)
/a/apace.htm - 8k Apart (228 Occurrences)
/a/apart.htm - 36k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia APAMEa-pa'-me, ap'-a-me (Apame): A concubine of Darius and a daughter of Bartacus the Illustrious, whose behavior to the king is referred to in a speech of Zerubbabel before the king to prove to him the great power of women (1 Esdras 4:29).