Thesaurus Bartacus...BARTACUS. bar'-ta-kus (Bartakos; Josephus Rhabezdkes; Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 AD) Bezazes (1 Esdras 4:29)): The father of Apame. .../b/bartacus.htm - 7kIllustrious (1 Occurrence) ... i-lus'-tri-us (thaumastos): A title of rank and merit attached to the name of Bartacus, the father of Apame (1 Esdras 4:29, the King James Version "the ... /i/illustrious.htm - 7k Barter (5 Occurrences)
/b/barter.htm - 8k Apame ... APAME. a-pa'-me, ap'-a-me (Apame): A concubine of Darius and a daughter of Bartacus the Illustrious, whose behavior to the king is referred to in a speech of ... /a/apame.htm - 6k Barsab'bas (2 Occurrences) Barsab'bas. << Bar-sabbas, Barsab'bas. Bartacus >>. Multi-Version Concordance Barsab'bas (2 Occurrences). ... << Bar-sabbas, Barsab'bas. Bartacus >>. Reference Bible /b/barsab'bas.htm - 6k International Standard Bible Encyclopedia BARTACUSbar'-ta-kus (Bartakos; Josephus Rhabezdkes; Vulgate (Jerome's Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) Bezazes (1 Esdras 4:29)): The father of Apame. He is called "the illustrious," probably because of rank and merits. The family seems to be of Persian origin since the name Bartacus (Syriac,) in the form of Artachaeas is mentioned by Herodotus (vii0.22.117) as a person of rank in the Persian army of Xerxes and the name of his daughter Apame is identical with that of a Persian princess who married Seleucus I, Nicator, and became the mother of Antiochus I. Apamea, a city in Asia Minor founded by Seleucus I, is named in honor of his wife Apame. Compare APAME; ILLUSTRIOUS. |