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Interrogation (1 Occurrence)

1 Peter 3:21 which also after a true likeness doth now save you, 'even' baptism, not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the interrogation of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ; (ASV)

Interrogation (1 Occurrence)
... It is used to express doubt, or to mark a query. Called also interrogation
point. Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. INTERROGATION. ...
/i/interrogation.htm - 8k

Question (153 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (n.) The act of asking; interrogation; inquiry;
as, to examine by question and answer. 2. (n.) Discussion ...
/q/question.htm - 37k

Inquiry (15 Occurrences)
... Noah Webster's Dictionary 1. (n.) The act of inquiring; a seeking for information
by asking questions; interrogation; a question or questioning. ...
/i/inquiry.htm - 11k

Interprets (2 Occurrences)

/i/interprets.htm - 7k

Interrupted (1 Occurrence)

/i/interrupted.htm - 7k

... 3:21, where eperotema has been rendered "answer" by the King James Version while
the Revised Version (British and American) renders "interrogation." The word ...
/l/lutheran.htm - 35k

Doctrine (52 Occurrences)
... 3:21, where eperotema has been rendered "answer" by the King James Version while
the Revised Version (British and American) renders "interrogation." The word ...
/d/doctrine.htm - 57k

Likeness (52 Occurrences)
... 1 Peter 3:21 which also after a true likeness doth now save you, 'even' baptism,
not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the interrogation of a ...
/l/likeness.htm - 29k

Isaiah (64 Occurrences)
... Epigrams and metaphors, particularly of flood, storm and sound (1:13; 5:18, 22;
8:08; 10:22; 28:17, 20; 30:28, 30), interrogation and dialogue (6:8; 10:8, 9 ...
/i/isaiah.htm - 66k

Haggai (14 Occurrences)
... his class. He was especially fond of interrogation. At best we have only a
summary, probably, of what he actually preached. 8. Criticism ...
/h/haggai.htm - 28k

1331. dierotao -- to find by inquiry
... to ask about, learn by inquiry. From dia and erotao; to question throughout, ie
Ascertain by interrogation -- make enquiry foreign. see GREEK dia. ...
/greek/1331.htm - 6k

687. ara -- an untranslatable interrog. particle implying anxiety ...
... particle implying anxiety or impatience. therefore. A form of ara, denoting an
interrogation to which a negative answer is presumed -- therefore. see GREEK ara. ...
/greek/687.htm - 6k

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

in-ter-o-ga'-shun (eperotema): This word is not found at all in the King James Version, and once only in the American Standard Revised Version (1 Peter 3:21), where it replaces the word "answer" of the King James Version. This change according to Alford and Bengel is correct. "The interrogation of a good conscience" may refer to the question asked of a convert before baptism (compare Acts 8:37), or the appeal of the convert to God (compare 1 John 3:20-21). The opportunity to do this was given in baptism.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (n.) The act of interrogating or questioning; examination by questions; inquiry.

2. (n.) A question put; an inquiry.

3. (n.) A point, mark, or sign, thus [?], indicating that the sentence with which it is connected is a question. It is used to express doubt, or to mark a query. Called also interrogation point.

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