2450. chakam
Lexical Summary
chakam: wise
Original Word: חָכָם
Transliteration: chakam
Phonetic Spelling: (khaw-kawm')
Part of Speech: Adjective
Short Definition: wise
Meaning: wise
Strong's Concordance
cunning man, subtil, wisehearted,

From chakam; wise, (i.e. Intelligent, skilful or artful) -- cunning (man), subtil, ((un-)), wise((hearted), man).

see HEBREW chakam


H2450. chakam

חָכָםadjective wise, ׳חDeuteronomy 4:6 67t.; construct חֲכַםIsaiah 3:3 9t.; plural חֲכָמִיםDeuteronomy 1:13 39t.; construct חַכְמֵיExodus 28:3-4t.; suffix חֲכָמֶיךָIsaiah 19:12 etc. + 8 t.; feminine חֲכָמָה2 Samuel 14:2; 20:16; construct חַכְמַתExodus 35:25; plural חֲכָמוֺתJeremiah 9:16; construct חַכְמוֺתJudges 5:29; Proverbs 14:1(but read חָכְמוֺת‎ De) —

1 skilful in technical work; artificers Isaiah 3:3; sailors Ezekiel 27:8, so (probably) 27:9; mourning women Jeremiah 9:16; artisans of tabernacle and temple and their furniture Exodus 28:3; 31:6; 35:10; 36:1-2, 4, 8 (P), 1 Chronicles 22:15; 2 Chronicles 2:6; 2:12; 2:13 (twice in verse); women in spinning Exodus 35:25 (P); goldsmiths and other artisans Jeremiah 10:9; makers of idol-images Isaiah 40:20.

2 wise in the administration of affairs: Joseph in Egypt Genesis 41:33, 39 (E); heads of tribes Deuteronomy 1:13, 15; Judges 16:19; David 2 Samuel 14:20, of Solomon 1 Kings 2:9; 3:12; 1 Kings 5:21 2 Chronicles 2:11; the prince of Tyre, in satire Ezekiel 28:3; of kings in General Proverbs 20:26; class of political advisers of Judah Isaiah 29:14; Jeremiah 18:18, apparently also Isaiah 5:21; of Egypt 19:11 (twice in verse); 19:12, Edom Obadiah 8, the nations Jeremiah 10:7; so of God Isaiah 31:2.

3 shrewd, crafty, cunning: Jonadab 2 Samuel 13:3; the princesses Judges 5:29; חכמה אשׁהwise woman 2 Samuel 14:2; 20:16; Generally, Jeremiah 9:22; intelligent animals Proverbs 30:24; ח ׳לכד בערמםtaking the cunning in their craft Job 5:13; בעיני חכםwise in one's own eyes Proverbs 3:7; 26:5, 12, 16; 28:11; לב חכמיwise of mind (in their own mind) Job 37:24.

4 plural class of learned and shrewd men, including astrologers, magicians and the like, of Egypt Genesis 41:8 (E), Exodus 7:11 (P; compare Isaiah 19:11 (twice in verse); 19:12); Babylon 44:25; Jeremiah 50:35; 51:57; Persia Esther 1:13; 6:13.

5 prudent, towards king Proverbs 16:14; in controversies 11:29; 29:8-9, 11; religious affairs Hosea 13:13; Hosea 14:10; Jeremiah 4:22; 8:8-9, Deuteronomy 4:6; 32:6; Psalm 107:43; ׳ח אישׁJeremiah 9:11.

6 wise, ethically and religiously,. in Wisdom Literature:

a. as adjective, לֵב חֲכַםwise of mind Proverbs 10:8; 16:21; חָכָם לֵבEcclesiastes 8:5; of the son Proverbs 10:1 = 15:20; 13:1; 23:24; Ecclesiastes 2:19; ח ׳ילד4:13 wise boy; ח ׳גברJob 34:34 wise man; ח ׳מוכיחwise reprover Proverbs 25:12.

b. = substantive: (1) as a wise learner in school of wisdom, he fears God and departs from evil Proverbs 14:16; is silent 17:28; hearkens to counsel 12:15; hears and increases in learning 1:5; his ear seeketh knowledge 18:15; he receives it 21:11; and stores it up 10:14; his ears hearken to the reproof which giveth life 15:31; and he becomes wiser through it 9:8-9,. (2) as a wise teacher, a sage, he does not answer with windy knowledge Job 15:2; he tells the experience of the past Job 15:48; has knowledge 34:2; teaches it Ecclesiastes 12:9; disperses it Proverbs 15:7; his tongue is health 12:18; it utters knowledge aright 15:2; his mind instructs his mouth and adds learning to his lips 16:23; his words are gracious Ecclesiastes 10:12; it is good to hear his rebuke 7:5; his instruction is a fountain of life Proverbs 13:14; one walking with him becomes wiser 13:20. The חכמים‎ recall the Greek σόφοι, having their schools, pupils (בֵן‎), discipline (מוּסָר‎), principles and collections of wisdom, חכמים דברי1:6; 22:17 (compare 24:23), Ecclesiastes 9:17; 12:11; God himself is לבב חכםJob 9:4. (3) the wise are prosperous: true, in sceptical view of Ecclesiastes, they have no advantage over the fool Ecclesiastes 6:8; but die as the fool 2:16 (twice in verse); Psalm 49:11; they will not be able to find the works of God Ecclesiastes 8:17; like others are in the hands of God 9:1; they do not secure bread 9:11; but elsewhere reverse is true: precious treasure is in his dwelling Proverbs 21:20; his lips preserve him 14:3; they inherit glory 3:35; wealth is their crown 14:24; the wise man is strong 24:5; Ecclesiastes 7:19; his eyes are in his head 2:14; his mind is at his right hand 10:2; he interprets things 8:1 (4) the wise man is a blessing to others: he wins men Proverbs 11:30; scales the city of the mighty 21:22; though poor he delivers the city Ecclesiastes 9:15; is a reproof to scorners Proverbs 15:12; his mind is in the house of mourning Ecclesiastes 7:4; injustice makes him foolish 7:7; Job finds no wise men among his cruel friends Job 17:10.


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