7971. shalach
Lexical Summary
shalach: to send
Original Word: שָׁלַח
Transliteration: shalach
Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-lakh')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to send
Meaning: to send away, for, out
Strong's Concordance
cast away, forsake

A primitive root; to send away, for, or out (in a great variety of applications) -- X any wise, appoint, bring (on the way), cast (away, out), conduct, X earnestly, forsake, give (up), grow long, lay, leave, let depart (down, go, loose), push away, put (away, forth, in, out), reach forth, send (away, forth, out), set, shoot (forth, out), sow, spread, stretch forth (out).


H7971. shalach

I. שָׁלַח844 verb send (Late Hebrew id.; Ecclus 48:18 +; Aramaic שְׁלַךְ‎, , SoBuhl BaEs 41 compare Arabic (r = l), send forth, drive cattle to pasture, send messenger, etc., but then different √ for I. שֶׁלַךְ‎, Arabic , weapon; Assyrian probably šalû (send, hurl?), whence tešlitu, command); —

Qal562 Perfect3masculine singular ׳שׁGenesis 42:4 2masculine singular suffix שְׁלַחְתָּ֑נִיExodus 5:22, etc.; Imperfect3masculine singular יִשְׁלַחGenesis 3:22 +, 2 feminine plural תִּשְׁלַ֫חְנָהEzekiel 23:40 (Judges 5:26 read תִּשְׁלָחֶנָּה‎? Ges § 47 k); Imperative masculine singular שְׁלַךְ1 Samuel 20:31 +, masculine plural שְׁלָ֑חוּ2 Kings 2:17; Infinitive abs. שָׁל(וֺ)ךְַNumbers 22:37 +; construct שְׁלֹתַ22:15 +, שְׁלַךְIsaiah 58:9, suffix שָׁלְחֶ֑ךָGenesis 38:17 etc.; Participle act. שֹׁלֵךְַExodus 9:14 +, etc.; שָׁלוּחַ1 Kings 14:6 +, etc., —

1 send: human subject, especially

a. accusative of person Genesis 42:4; 43:8 (both J; with אֵתwith, person) Numbers 22:15 (E) + often, with ל‎ of thing for which Jeremiah 14:3; followed by אֶל‎ person Genesis 37:13(J), 2 Samuel 11:6; Nehemiah 6:5 +; rarely with ל‎ person Genesis 32:19 (J; pass.), אֶל‎, of location 2 Chronicles 16:4, ב‎ of location 1 Samuel 11:3, ל‎ of location 1 Kings 5:28, accusative of location 2 Kings 22:3, ה‎- locative + מֵעַל‎ person 2 Samuel 13:17, מִן‎ local Genesis 37:14 (J), Numbers 13:3 (P), etc.; followed by infinitive purpose 1 Samuel 25:14 ( + מִן‎ local), 2 Kings 1:16; Jeremiah 40:14 +, אֶל‎ person with infinitive purpose 2 Samuel 10:3; Jeremiah 42:9 +, with ו‎ subordinate 2 Kings 5:6, with finite verb actionis Exodus 2:5 (E), sent her maid and took, +, etc. (many combinations); accusative of person alone 24:5 (E), Joshua 7:22(E), 2 Samuel 10:7 +?

b. less often accusative of thing (sometimes with בְּיַד‎ of agent), with אֶל‎ person 1 Samuel 16:20; 2 Kings 5:5; 20:12 +, 1 Kings 5:23 (= designate by sending unto), ל‎ person Judges 3:15; 1 Kings 5:22 +, אֶל‎ location Esther 1:22, שָׁ֫מָּה2 Kings 6:14; + infinitive purpose 1 Chronicles 19:4; Esther 4:4; + finite verb action. Psalm 105:28; accusative of kid, alone, Genesis 38:23 also (accusative omitted) 38:17, etc.

c. very oft,. without object: + finite verb action., send and do so and so, Genesis 27:45(E), 2 Kings 11:14; Job 1:5 +; with אֶל‎ person Hosea 5:13; 2 Samuel 11:6 +, especially + לֵאמֹרGenesis 38:25(J), 1 Kings 20:5 (often in Samuel Kings), Jeremiah 29:28 +; with infinitive purpose Genesis 32:6 (J), Numbers 21:32 (J), 1 Samuel 22:11 +, etc. (and so 31:9 reading וַיִּשְׁלְחוּ‎, for

Pi`el, Th We Dr Now, not HPS Bu); absolute 2 Kings 2:16-17, 2 Samuel 14:29; = send to inquire 1 Kings 20:17, etc.

2 send: subject ׳י‎ (God),

a. accusative of person Genesis 45:5; (E; לִפְנֵי‎ person), 1 Samuel 15:18 (בְּדָ֑רֶךְ‎), + אֶל‎ person 2 Samuel 12:1; accusative of angel, לִפְנֵי‎ person Genesis 24:7; Exodus 33:2 (both J), אֵתwith Genesis 24:40(J), etc.; with accusative of person = commission Exodus 3:12 (E), Judges 6:14; Isaiah 6:8; Jeremiah 14:14-15, +? Jeremiah; Zechariah 2:13 +; also (with אֶל‎ person) Exodus 3:13 (E), Jeremiah 25:4; Ezekiel 3:6 +, etc.; especially of sending prophet, (שָׁלַךְ‎), וְשָׁלוֺחַ הַשְׁכֵּםJeremiah 7:25 + (see [שָׁרַם‎]); accusative of person + infinitive purpose 1 Samuel 15:1; Jeremiah 19:14 +; + עַד‎ location 2 Kings 2:2, accusative of location 2:4, ָ ה‎ locative 2:6, etc.

b. with accusative of thing, plagues Exodus 9:14 (with ב אֶללֵֿב,‎ person), figurative arrows 2 Samuel 22:15 = Psalm 18:15( + verb finite action.), 144:6, compare Jeremiah 25:16 and elsewhere; his word Isaiah 9:7 (ב‎ of a people), 55:11 (אשׁרto which), Zechariah 7:12 (ב‎ agent.), Psalm 107:20 (+ finite verb action.), 147:15 (+ accusative אֶרֶץ‎); accusative help 20:3 (מִן‎ local), light and truth 43:3 (+ finite verb action.), compare 57:4

3 stretch out, especially accusative hand:

a. human subject, with ב‎ person against, Genesis 37:22(E), 1 Samuel 24:11; Esther 2:21+; with ב‎ of thing (property of others) Exodus 22:7; 22:10 (E), Esther 9:10 +, בַּחַלָּמִישׁJob 28:9; with אֶל‎ person against Genesis 22:12 (E), 2 Samuel 18:12, עַל‎ person 1 Kings 13:4, etc.; אֶל‎ of thing (for good) 2 Samuel 6:6 (יָד‎ omitted); from outside; inward, Song of Solomon 5:4 (מִן‎ local); absolute Job 30:24 (read טֹבֵעַ‎ for בְּעִי‎ Di Bi Bu). + infinitive purpose 1 Samuel 22:17, 17; 2 Samuel 1:14; 1 Chronicles 13:9; + verbfin.active Genesis 3:22 (J) Deuteronomy 25:11; Judges 15:15; +; ׳שׁ אֶצְבַּעIsaiah 58:9, in token of scorn; with accusative of rod 1 Samuel 14:27; מַגָּל שִׁלְחוּ‎ Joel 4:13 stretch out (the) sickle.

b. ׳י‎ subject, accusative hand, + אֶל‎ person against Exodus 24:(E), compare (עַל‎) Psalm 138:7; + finite verb active Exodus 3:20 (JE), 9:15(J), Job 1:11; 2:5; in favour, Jeremiah 1:9, absolute Psalm 144:7 (מִן‎ local), also (passive) Ezekiel 2:9 and accusative יָד תַּבְנִית‎), 8:3.

c. accusative hand, subject angel, + accusative of location, infinitive purpose 2 Samuel 24:16, cherub, אֶל‎ of thing, מִן‎ local Ezekiel 10:7; adversary, אֶל‎ person Job 1:12; subject angel, accusative rod Judges 6:21.

d. stretched out, slender, of tree Genesis 49:21 (poem in J), see I. אֵלָה‎ above.

e. perhaps extend, direct, accusative of thing Ezekiel 8:17 (see זְמוֺרָה‎ above, also conjectures in Toy Krae).

4 rarely send away (see Pi`el): human subject, accusative of person Judges 11:38 ( + accusative temporal), Genesis 28:5 (P).

5 let loose (see

Pi`el), perhaps only Psalm 50:19 (figurative) thy mouth hast thou let loose in evil.

Niph`al Infinitive absolute. סְפָרִים וְנִשְׁלוֺחַ‎ = letters were sent (Ges§ 113z gg) Esther 3:13 ( + אֶל‎ person, בְּיַד‎ agent., infinitive purpose).

Pi`el266 Perfect3masculine singular שִׁלַּחExodus 8:28 +, suffix שִׁלַּחֲךָ1 Samuel 20:22, etc.; Imperfect3masculine singular יְשַׁלַּחJeremiah 3:1 +, יְשַׁלֵּ֑חַIsaiah 45:13; Proverbs 6:14; 1singular suffix אֲשַׁלֵּחֲךָGenesis 32:27, אֲשַׁלְּחֶךָּ2 Samuel 11:12; 1 Kings 20:34, etc.; Imperative masculine singular שַׁלַּךְExodus 4:23, +, etc.; Infinitive absolute Deuteronomy 22:7; 1 Kings 11:22; construct שַׁלַּךְGenesis 8:10 +, שַׁלֵּ֑ךְַ‎ Exodus 7:27; +, etc.; Participle מְשַׁלֵחַ43:4 +, etc.; —

1 send off, away, human subject:

a. accusative of person + ל‎ location Joshua 24:28 (E), Judges 7:8; 1 Samuel 10:23 +; + ל‎ person Jeremiah 48:12; + הּ‎+? Judges 12:9 and (c. infinitive purpose) Genesis 28:6 (P); accusative of goat, לַעֲזָאזֵלLeviticus 16:10 (ה‎- locative), 16:26; send out, different ways, accusative of person, ב‎ location Judges 19:29; 20:6; send into exile, ׳י‎ subject, with מִן‎ local Jeremiah 24:5, ה‎+? 29:20.

b. send away, dismiss, accusative of person Genesis 21:14 (E), 25:6 (J; מֵעַל‎ person), 2 Samuel 13:16 +; specifically, with accusative of wife (= divorce), Deuteronomy 22:19, 29; 24:1, 3; Jeremiah 3:1 +, absolute Malachi 2:16.

c. send away empty (-handed) רֵיקָם‎, + accusative of person Genesis 31:42 (E), Deuteronomy 15:13; Job 22:9.

d. send off, give a 'send-off' (sometimes escort part way), accusative of person, Genesis 18:16; 24:59; 31:27 (all J), 1 Samuel 9:26; 2 Kings 5:24; 6:23.

e. accusative of thing 1 Samuel 6:8; Nehemiah 8:12 +, with accusative of location 1 Samuel 5:10; 6:3, אֶל‎ person Jeremiah 27:3, etc.

2. a. send away, subject ׳י‎, accusative of person Genesis 19:29 (J; מִתּוֺךְ‎), 1 Kings 9:7 (מְּנֵי מֵעַל‎).

b. give over, accusative of person Psalm 81:13 (ב‎ of evil).

c. cast out, accusative of person Jeremiah 28:16 (מֵעַלמְּֿנֵי‎), Leviticus 18:24; 20:23 (both מִמְּנֵי‎).

d. send out, forth, send on a mission, especially of ׳י‎, with accusative of hornet Deuteronomy 7:20, compare 28:20; 32:24 (all ב‎ person), serpents Numbers 21:6 (E; ב‎ person), lions 2 Kings 17:25-26, (both id.), foes 24:2 (twice in verse) (+ infinitive purpose); pestilence Amos 4:10; Ezekiel 28:23 (ב‎ person), etc.; also springs into (ב‎) channel Psalm 104:10.

3 let go, set free (sometimes c, חָפְשִׁי‎) Exodus 4:23; 5:2 (twice in verse) (all J E), 2 Samuel 3:21, 23, 24 +; = cease to abuse Judges 19:25; + infinitive purpose Genesis 24:56 (J), Exodus 5:1 (E; + 10 t. Exodus), 1 Samuel 5:11; with accusative of bird Genesis 8:7-8, (+ מֵאִתּוֺ‎) +; + הַשָּׂדֶהLeviticus 14:7, compare 14:53 (both P); = let loose, accusative of beast, Exodus 22:4 (E), Leviticus 16:22 (ב‎ location); accusative of bridle Job 30:11 (figurative); metaphor of strife Proverbs 6:14, 19; 16:28; let loose waters, subject ׳י‎, Job 12:15.

4 shoot forth branches, Jeremiah 17:8; Psalm 80:12; Ezekiel 31:5 (but see I. שֶׁלַךְ

2); compare of locks (מֶּרַע‎) Ezekiel 44:20 = let grow long.

5 let down, accusative of person Jeremiah 38:6 (ב‎ instrumental), accusative of thing 38:11 (id. + אֶל‎ person and location).

6 shoot (accusative of arrow omitted), לְמַטָּרָה ׳לְשַׁ לִי1 Samuel 20:20.

7 phrases: בָאֵשׁ (אֶתֿ)הָעִיר שִׁלַּחJudges 1:8; 20:48, compare 2 Kings 8:12; Psalm 74:7; but also ׳שׁ בְּ אֵשׁAmos 1:4, 7, 10, 12; 2:2, 5; Hosea 8:14; Ezekiel 39:6; rare expressions are: בְּיַדמִּֿשְׁעָם וַיְשַׁלְּחֵםJob 8:4 (God subject); stretch out hand, ב‎ of thing (for use) Proverbs 31:19, ל‎ person (charity) 31:20; תְּשַׁלַּחְנָה חֶבְלֵיהֶםJob 39:3 (of hinds, bearing); הַמָּ֑יִם עַלמְּֿנֵי לַחְמְךָ שַׁלַּחEcclesiastes 11:1. — שִׁלֵּ֑חוּ רַגְלַיJob 30:12 is corrupt; Theod Ew Di שִׁלֵּ֑חוּ רַגְלָם‎; Me Bu Be and others dittograph from 30:11b.

Pu`al Perfect3masculine singular שֻׁלַּךְJudges 5:15; Job 18:8, etc.; Imperfect3masculine singular יְשֻׁלַּחProverbs 17:11; Participle מְשֻׁלָחIsaiah 16:2 +; — be sent off (started on journey) Genesis 44:3 (J); with commission, ב‎ person Obadiah; Proverbs 17:11, אֶל‎ person Daniel 10:11; be put away, divorced, of wife Isaiah 50:1 (figurative); be impelled (?), בְּרַגְלָיו‎ (= at his heels ?), with ב‎ location Judges 5:15 (verb dubious), compare בְּרַגְלָיו בְּרֶשֶׁת שֻׁלַּחJob 18:8 he is hurried into the net with his feet (? ᵐ5‎ Du רַגְלוֺ שֻׁלְּחָה‎); מְשֻׁלָּח קֵןIsaiah 16:2 a driven (scattered) nest ("" נוֺדֵד עוֺף‎), compare מְשׁ ׳נָוֶה כַּמִּדְבָּר וְנֶעֱזָב27:10; מְשׁ ׳נַעַרProverbs 29:15 a boy let loose (unrestrained).

Hiph`il Perfect1singular וְהִשְׁלַחְתִּ֫יand I (׳י‎) will send famine, בָּאָרֶץAmos 8:11, compare Ezekiel 14:13, wild beasts; ב‎ person Leviticus 26:22 (H); Participle מַשְׁלִיחַ‎, accusative of flies, ב‎ person Exodus 8:17 (J); Infinitive construct לְהַשְׁלִיחַ‎ accusative of foe, ב‎ of a people 2 Kings 15:37.

שְׁלַחverb send (Biblical Hebrew I. שָׁלַח‎); —

Pe`al Perfect3masculine singular ׳שׁEzra 4:17 +; 3 masculine plural שְׁלַ֫חוּ4:11 +; 2 masculine plural שְׁלַחְתּוּן4:18; 1plural שְׁלַחְנָא4:14; Imperfect3masculine singular יִשְׁלח5:17; 6:12; Passive participle שְׁלִיחַ7:14; Daniel 5:24; — send, accusative of letter, etc., with עַל‎ person Ezra 4:11, 17, 18; 5:6-7, 17; absolute 6:13, followed by finite verb 4:14, + accusative of person Daniel 3:28; 6:23; followed by Infinitive 3:2; send out hand (accusative) to harm (Infinitive); passive, be sent, with מִןקֳֿדָם‎ person: subject person Ezra 7:14; subject כַּמָּאDaniel 5:24.


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